The Cut-Ups 2: More Tattoo Flash from the Third Mind is available to pre-order!
Dive into the vibrant and eclectic world of tattoo flash with The Cut-Ups 2: More Tattoo Flash from the Third Mind. Building on the success of his first volume, Brian Kelly offers a fresh collection of over 100 hand-painted tattoo flash designs. This book showcases Kelly’s innovative cut-up technique, where random elements are spliced together to create unique and imaginative tattoo art. Whether tattooers, illustrators, or simply lovers of tattoo culture, readers will find this book is a treasure trove of inspiration.
This volume includes a foreword by renowned tattoo artist Lal Hardy, delving into the rich history and modern evolution of tattoo flash. Kelly’s dedication to traditional methods of painting tattoo flash is evident even as he embraces the unexpected results of his cut-up technique.